Lantley wrote:
FlatBroke wrote:
With hydraulic jacks you can unhook a fifth wheel In acouple of minutes. Head to the pumps.
If I have to unhook to fuel I having an awfully bad day.
If I have to unhook to fuel regularly I need to find a new hobby/ lifestyle
Exactly.....due to not planning ahead/thinking/daydreaming, I found myself w/o fuel at about 1:30 a.m. on the wrong side of San Antonio. No real problem but a major league PITA. Just left the 39' 5th wheel in the HEB lot, drove the 350 across the street to fill up, then hooked up again and got to the CG about 4:00 a.m.....wife was not happy so ...
Decided convenience was worth something so I had a 65 gallon aux tank installed. Between the saddle tanks and the aux tank, I then had about 1200 miles towing range. Problem solved. Stop for food and restroom when needed. Fill with fuel (on the every 2nd day or so it needed to be filled) in the evening after the trailer was parked for the night.