Hard to believe there is a slow down here in Elkhart. . . hiring signs remain out throughout all of northern Indiana. A family member just got hired by Grand Design. Claimed they pursued him. . . which I don't believe since he has never been in the industry. But he did get hired.
If they are going to 4 days, perhaps it may be to add more shifts. If you need a job, come to Elkhart/northern Indiana/Michiana. Restaurants are closing by 2 p.m. because they don't have the wait staff. For the first time in a long time, jobs seem to outnumber the bodies to fill them. Taco Bell closed it's dining room in Warsaw due to lack of staff. Drive in only open later in the day.
Auxiliary services are pretty much bogged down with work. . . people are having to wait for service. New support businesses are popping up. My guess is if you have skills, you would be snapped up in a heartbeat.