I live out in the country. Commuting puts a lot of miles on the vehicles. My daily is at 305k miles, and my wife's daily is a 296k miles. Original motors, untouched. I have been religious about changing oil at every 2k miles. I believe it is the cheapest maintenance I can put in to a motor (around a penny per mile). About $20 and about 15 minutes of my time.
That's my experience and I am standing by it. Your experience may be different.
The other benefit is I am under the hood of the vehicles fairly often. A small leak or other odd problem is occasionally spotted indicating some sort of wear item (ie: water pump) is having an issue. Because I am doing regular maintenance, I see the issue before it becomes a problem that leaves me stranded on the side of the road. Going 11k miles on an oil change tells me that hood hasn't been opened in a long time - and who knows what other maintenance issues were left to deteriorate.