On the one hand, it is great to have nothing amiss when making such a mistake. On the other hand, one ought not COUNT on that outcome, eh?
And no, I've never done that.
Although once, at the sticks 'n' bricks, I left my chainsaw sitting on the front steps, house door unlocked, while I made "quick" dash to the store for something. We live back in the woods off the beaten track, out in the country. Still, I don't usually do that.
While I was in the store "just for a minute," a gully-washer came up, and as I'm driving up my driveway, I remembered I left the chainsaw outside, the water won't kill it, but sure won't do it a lot of good, either. Imagine my surprise to find that the chainsaw had let itself in the house and was sitting just inside the doorway. And yes, I am certain no family members moved it.