Remote? Hamilton County, Indiana use to be "remote." As a kid (1960's) one could drive country roads and never find a house. Fields and not even telephone poles. Then those back-country graveled roads turned into black-top, then into lined blacktop, then into 4 way roads, and now, when you drive from the North side of Indianapolis to anywhere, it's all 4 lane divided (almost everywhere). It started with a "remote" spot someone thought would be a nice place to put a house ... nice .. "remote" away from everyone. Sure ... worked great for the first homestead. But then someone else came along, then someone else, then a gas station, a shopping mall, sewers, gas lines, water lines, electric lines, more shopping malls, now mamouth apartment complexes, housing additons, home owners associations, and the fields that once were "remote" ... aint no more! It all started with 1 person "occupying" a "remote" spot! Top 10 "remote" spots ... not so remote when a bazillion tourists travel to see how "remote" it is. Sorry, there are no remote spots when they've become a tourist attraction or turned into a shopping center!