vermilye wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
The Magnadyne is a very low power unit. The inside cheep speakers do not need much power. If you go with a higher quality speakers it takes more power to drive them to get more volume.
Actually, it depends on the design of the speaker cabinet. Some of the most expensive speakers will use far less power for the same sound pressure level as a cheap cabinet. I've used the earphone jack on a pocket sized transistor radio to demonstrate the efficiency of a good bass reflex cabinet - amazing the volume difference between the radio's built in speaker and the 3'X5' 3 way cabinet.
The efficiency of the speaker makes a big difference as well. It takes twice the power to drive a 88db/1 watt as a 91db/1 watt speaker. For every 3 db increase it takes double the power. To play at 100 decibel with a 88db/1 watt speaker would take 16 watts. For a 91db/1 watt speaker it would take 8 watts.