DutchmenSport wrote:
ktmrfs wrote:
... most Travel trailers have the smaller oven, something like 17" tall, while 5th wheel's have the taller 21" or so oven. the difference is amazing, and is definitely in favor of the 21".
I'm glad you mentioned this. I've never understood how folks can put pizza stones inside their camper oven. Mine is so short. There is absolutely not enough space under the flame (for sure), and if I put a stone on the shelf above the flame, there's no room for anything else.
21" oven .... that makes sense now! Thanks!
I found some thin adobe patio tiles at Home Depot, and that's what I use on the bottom of my trailer. They do crack and break, but even broken they do the job.
The only thing I have ever used my microwave for is storage. That's where the potatoes and onions hang out.