We were traveling through Santa Rosa,NM this past May and had reserved a site at the State Park for one night weeks before arriving. We called ahead to let them know we would be arriving a little after 6pm and make sure late arrivals were ok. When we arrived, someone had taken our site. The rangers office was closed so we asked if they had reserved the site. They said no, it was just empty when they showed up. There was a red reserved sign on the post...hmmm. They moved. I think some people assume it will be abandoned when in fact it won't be. We reserved the particular site because it was the only one available when we made the reservation that was large enough for our FW. Those that took our site could fit into any of the available sites that were left which there were a few so I definitely didn't feel bad about asking them to move. I am sure that some state parks and possibly this one too gets people who reserve sites and never show up but people should never assume on there own accord that the site will be vacant.