Down home, I have to agree with the others here, getting $15 for food stamps just sounds odd. The only way that could be if their income shows that's all they need. Her unemployment should be more than a few hundred if she worked full time for any length of time. He should also get unemployment if they won't give him disability right away.
Home prices have gone up, any chance they could put it up for sale before the bottom falls out??
Helping them with money has nothing to do with how the government decides how much they should get. They should say nothing about that to anyone, no ones business.
I think we've all either been in or known someone in this predicament and have a pretty good idea what's out there for them.
I don't think you going broke to help is the answer either.
I sure hope you get some better news from them and I hope his health is doing better. This is a lot for you to have to deal with considering all your other worries.
I will keep you all in my prayers.