gbopp wrote:
Scottiemom wrote:
I hope you are seeking care at a teaching hospital.
I'm curious, why?
Well, for all the reasons people have given. Ongoing research for one thing. . . doctors confer with one another on patients in their care. They are not as inclined to want to "own" a patient. Willing to talk with other experts. Teaching doctors who do my husband's care would bring in students of all levels when he was in the hospital. Those students would often ask very critical questions and many in the group would join in the discussion. Lots of talk about symptoms, outcomes, procedures, etc. Your case gets talked about a lot.
Any time we have traveled, our doctors have always told us if we need help on the road to seek out a teaching hospital. They are more likely to work with his doctors back home. The one time we had to go to a small regional hospital, my DH nearly had to die to get out. The idiot doctor wanted to run all kinds of tests and re-do everything that had ever been done. When I finally got him out of there, that doctor told Medicare that we left against his advice, so they declined to pay for the treatment he received from his "real" doctors after that. We did finally get that straightened out, but not till after we got billed for $17,000. That was a case of the EGO getting in the way of the patient care. We've never had that problem with a teaching hospital.