I remember on another forum, a woman was complaining because an old man came outside and yelled at her for letting her dog pee on his tree.
She felt he was rude because she was driving her dog to the park to take a walk and potty and by the time she got there, the dog couldn't wait to get into the park to do his peeing. And it was just pee! If the dog had pooped, she would have picked it up.
When I suggested that she let the dog do his business in her own yard rather than in the local park or someone else's yard, she got mad at me.
She was in her mid-sixties, so this wasn't "the young generation".
I was just telling a friend that people walk around with tunnel vision now. It's not a generational thing - it's a societal thing. People of all ages have lost the ability to see their own actions through someone else's eyes. They can see the perceived wrongs made by others, but can't see their own culpability in those actions.
On the other hand, I used to sit on curbs and sidewalks, etc., as a kid. Now I barely want to walk on them. The sidewalks haven't changed - just my realization of what has been deposited on the sidewalks.