dannytas wrote:
We Californians are just as proud of our state as anyone else is of theirs. I would expect all would defend the place that they choose to reside. We all enjoy spending time in each state and provinces, in our travels. To question rules and regulations are valid discusions. But to let a dicusion turn into a state bashing, is just plain wrong.
Now I'll just step off my soapbox and leave all to their opinions. :?
I have to agree, as a native Californian I resent this and this is just plane wrong.
Yes we are proud of our State even with all it's warts, I have never seen anyone bash all the other states as they have ours. I would never bash another state. That is just very philistine of those that do.
This has,as often it does,denigrated to a bash California thread, with no real valid disscusion going on. Why has this gone on so much and the Mods have not stepped in and closed this bashing thread is beyond me. :R