Well, in Spokane, WA. the show charges about $8.00. On opening day, the senior rate is a buck off--WhooHoo!! The show is a chance to compare units without a sales person always up your skirt trying to get your money. If you have a question or wish to pull out your wallet, there is always a person ready to relieve you of funds. It's nice to see brand "A", then check out how it might compare to brand "K" and so on. Also, how floor plans would fit your needs without traveling miles to do so at dealerships.
I figure I didn't need to visit the Farm & Tractor show this year as I don't need a combine or satellite images of a grain field. Never have. Probably never will--but the option was there.
Finally, $8.00 a person is cheaper then a movie that features "actors" that swear at us because we don't see their way in the real world. Now that's my opinion and may not coincide with yours, but we can all share a beverage and a smile. See you at the show!