Makin' Do wrote:
OP again. It seems this topic has gotten a little out of control and I'm sorry that a couple of posters are perhaps less than happy with each other. All responses are more or less valid in their own way and I have taken them all into consideration. Again thanks for all your replies.
Now, here's what the seller and I agreed to do, and we are both comfortable with the agreement. I'll leave with his plate and registration and his written statement that I have his permission to be in possession of and use of his RV. My insurance policy (State Farm) says that I am covered when driving another persons vehicle whit their permission. When I get home I'll send him his plate, registration and that Star Bucks card. I'll leave him with a bottle of JD since I can't send that thru the mail.
And after all this good, bad and/or entertaining and some way out there advice, you actually picked the worst possible option for both of you. You’re leaving with a vehicle signed over to you and fabricating some story to your insurance that they could or will deny if you crash it. Then the seller will show that he sold it to you so you or your ins will be responsible.
Buy the thing, get a signed title and bill of sale. Leave the plate on or take it off who cares. On makes you less of a target for the cops, off shows you just bought it. Go home and register it.
And if you want, make sure your state has a grace period. Guessing they all do because you can’t instantly register a private party vehicle without dragging the seller to the dmv.