1. The OP bought a MH NOT a TT.
2. Every state has 'different' DMV rules
This statement:...
From Florida http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0320/Sections/0320.02.html
It is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE for a person to drive an automobile if that automobile isn't properly registered. Penalties include;
2nd degree misdemeanor charge
$500 fine
60 days in jail
6 months probation
This ONLY pertains if you LIVE in the state of Florida. Florida has probably the most stringent resident DMV rules.
3. "A
SELLER will NOT ever let you leave with THEIR plates on the RV they just sold you! If they have any brain cells!
Also when you sign the title and give it to the the buyer? MAKE SURE he doesn't leave without putting HIS signature and date on the title also before he leaves. Don't ask me how I now know how important this is.
Signed title and bill of sale in hand. I have yet to see a cop 'arrest you' or 'impound the vehicle' after stopping someone without plates on a newly purchased vehicle in transit. :R
These cops have better things to do on their day off then go to court on something like this that the judge will throw out when you present the papers stating you just bought it.
I've bought and traveled with numerous newly purchased used vehicles over many many years and have been stopped only once. Produced the bill of sale and was on my way. Can't tell me none of you have ever bought a vehicle and drove it home without plates?