I just don't understand the need for people to be 2 feet off the bumper of the guy in front of them. Busy on ramps are the worst. Everybody is right on the arse of the guy in front of them so how do they expect to merge into a one car gap?
I do not agree with "go with the flow of traffic no matter how fast" philosophy. I'm towing a 10,000 lb trailer and can't stop on a dime if need be. Minimum is 45 on the expressway, max is what ever the limit is set. I don't do the minimum and I don't do the maximum either. I drive at what I think is safe for the conditions and amount of traffic. I leave a large gap that people think is there for them to fill. You need the patience of a saint to drive on the expressway today, that's why I avoid it when ever I can. Sorry in advance if you ever get stuck behind me.