Hemling wrote:
I could never drive OTR truck. Too many idiots on the roads.
Did that once. My brother is retired (Medically) from that job He hauled flat steel most of his life..
I have several Ham Radio Friends who do it for a living still (though not steel) One crosses the US/CANADA border a few times a week.. I can't do that. You can't do that, but he does it.. Seems Chocolate comes into the USA from Canada and we Americans just got to have our chocolate (Actually that's not as funny as I'm typing it.. Chocolate really IS important) or other food stuff.. The others do not cross the border.
Nice thing about Ham Radio. I can chat with my friends.. and keep my Social Distance (physically) like most can't believe.
Example 6 Feet? how about six states? (I'm in MI. Roger FL or GA or the Carolians),, ED generally SOuth of the Mason/Dixon line Only Tom gets close (he crosses from US to Canada and back via the Ambassador Bridge which is a bit more than an hour's drive from where I'm parked)
Heck. Can sit here with a hand held radio/terminal and talk to Hong Kong. .and have.