Well the guy doing 105 in my previous post International Speedway 696/96 in the NOVI area as I recall was where they were timing.
I-94 "I'm going to Chicago tomorrow (From Detroit) is there any construction?"
That's over 200 miles of freeway.. Just in Michigan. OF COURSE THERE IS CONSTRUCTION.. I can not tell you where it is however as I worked for MSP. not MDOT (Their web page can). Sometimes you can even see it for yourself michigan dot gov slash mdot
Yesterday for the 3rd time this year. I saw a truck in the ditch. (Semi)
First time the backup had cleared save for right beside it (or not started yet) and I exited just before it.. got back on just passed it. had breakfast in between (The plan by the way was to take that exit all along so it was not a problem)
The other two one was on S/B I-75 or I-69 (not sure which) I was going NORTH
The other on East bound I-69(yesterday) I was headed west.
I'm lucking out on these sleepy semi's.