First, forget any lead acid based portable jump starter. Lead acid batteries discharge too quickly and even when not used, need to be recharged every 2-4 weeks. Also "power per pound" is terrible on lead acid batteries.
That leaves lithium. The sad thing is that there hundreds of different models available and even some of the name brand ones are not that good.
I will leave video of two skeptics who purchased "off brand" lump start packs and were pleasantly surprised !
PRODUCT REVIEW: Rockford Pocket Power Jump Starter RFDPPJS2976DLX(old video, this model may no longer available)New KING of Jump Starters? TrekPow JT2500 The best part about this model is that not only can you charge phone from it via the USB-A ports, but it can be recharged from an phone charger via the USB-mini-A port or the newer much faster USB-C.
This means that you can leave it charging in your vehicle all of the time and will always be ready to go !