Yes, a very good WD Hitch system and does mask many, many, many issues
Note that all things designed/engineered are NOT for the good days out
there when a half ton 'can' tow a curb weight (stripper) Space Shuttle
The design is for the worst day out there when Mr Murphy crosses your path
OF course with-in specifications & ratings, of which is my comment and
reason for commenting (for the lurkers out there who might use this
thread as justification to ignore or be ignorant of their TV's ratings)
All TV ratings is of this and margins designed differ from OEM to OEM
OP...find these ratings for *YOUR* TV: GVWR, F/R GAWR, GCWR and forget
the MTWR...that is derived from a curb vehicle...AKA Stripper...unless
the OP does have a 'curb' weight TV
Then go out and weigh your setup fully loaded ready to go, axle by axle
Just the TV. Just the Trailer. Then both and all axle by axle
Then do the simple math using those actual weights against your
TV's specifications/ratings
There is no such thing as Weight Police on these freebie forums...anyone
can do whatever they wish and the term 'Weight Police' is generally
used as a derogatory to diminish the validity of that comment....
PS...I do wear that 'weight police' badge with no hesitation...and
speak from experience both having towed a +14,000 lb utility trailer
and designed many things