Buying premium isn't near as bad as buying gas with no corn or suger cane in it (ethanol). That stuffs going for like $.50-.75 over premium. And somehow even though gas prices are low, race gas keeps going up. Gave $10/gal for the cheap stuff (Trick 112) this past winter. I use it sparingly. Luckily only have 1 machine that needs a little more than just pump gas.
(Had only used about a gal out of a 5 gal can this winter when the wife ran out of gas in her car. She called a friend to bring gas. He managed to grab the only can of $10/gal gas in the shop! Car got 4 gal and $40 worth of gas to get her the mile to the gas station! Lol. Worst part, it didn't even smell good like race fuel coming out the other end. Darn emissions!