They messed with Vets and Drs too.
Someone got the idea that to show they were doing something about illegal drugs they would go after Vets and others and Drs, that were doing absolutely nothign wrong.
It hasn't affected illegal drugs from Mexico or anything. It was just to say we are doing something to justify their budgets.
Very few instances of Drs running pill mills or ill patients abusing drugs or selling them. Last thin anyone wants is to have to take necessary medications for pain. I endure a lot of pain so as to not suffer side effects of the stuff.
But now they have made Patients worry about this issue and being able to get necessary refills.
Getting a refill may involve hundreds, of dollars in extra travel and take time away from patients needing to see a Doctor now.
Drs and health care is becoming rationed in effect as Drs are driven out of practice by the hassle and lower incomes and Patients suffer needlessly and endure greater levels of stress, affecting health, dealing with it too.