Water-Bug wrote:
Doctors in Florida are really on edge over the issue. Internist won't even write a prescription for a class 2 drug. They refer you to a pain clinic/specialist. The specialist writes a prescription for one month at a time and do random blood and urine tests to assure that you are the person taking the drug and that you aren't self medication with street drugs. I'm sure that it is a CYA issue.
A valid point was made above.
It was our pain '
management doctor' started writing the postdated 3 scripts a little while after the regulation changed in Oct and he got more comfortable with it.
Primary care doctor even last month said it was 'law' that he could only write one at a time. When pressured by me, he had to admit it was his 'office law/rules' not the 'federal law' that kept him from writing 3 post dated ones. And this was for any 'controlled' not just class 2.
After a discussion about our travel plans he finally agreed to writing 3 scripts for my only this one time right before our travel date. We had been going to him for about 2 years.
Now comes the unknown of if we will be able to fill them in other states when we start travelling in July. I guess we'll see what happens then.
It has really gotten hard to travel if you require pain medications.