Dave H M wrote:
Dave H M wrote:
I am going out to the barn and light up some of that alcohol based stuff and report back. :R
Well I am back and all in one piece. I splashed some of that alche based pink stuff on the sidewalk by the barn and got the charcoal lighter outand put it to work. No way in all my effort could I get it to light. :R So I am thinking that that "extremely flammable" alert may be diluted with a lot of urban legend, rational on why to buy the more spensive glycol stuff, or just maybe some El Toro poo poo. :B
Many years back a professor who was widely know for being a ‘wee bit’ too concerned with safety decided to drive home the point when he caught a couple of our classmates laughing about it and putting out a lit propane torch in a container of a Jet A fuel.
He heated a fairly small container of fuel in a pot of boiling water and then asked if any of the doubters wanted to try again.
When one guy took him up on it the fireball shooting up out of the small container was very impressive when the torch got near it ........