That's OK...
Thor’s stock is currently trading at a P/E multiple of 15.82 against the industry average multiple of 4.76 says StockCall. Other financials are also healthy indicators of the company’s growth potential including a gross profit margin of 12.58 and net profit margin of 4.20 percent against the industry average of 26.82 percent and 41.69 percent respectively whilst Thor’s Return on equity of 15.32 percent surpassed the industry average return of 2.19 percent.
Thank you ....guess it was answerable.... I have a brother
with an MBA from Stanford... they really do talk like the
blurb quoted. And he does it with twinkle in his eye !
Good stuff , thanks again. Appears a few players in the
marketplace must be doing much better then the industry
average. Hopefully, a good sign.
BTW... I don't even have a clue what "Googled the Q" entails. Ha !