Vulcaneer wrote:
D & M wrote:
I just look at Winnebago (WGO) and Thor (THO) and find that Winne is 8% net profit and Thor is about 3%.
And WGO is a $676M company. While THO is a $2.89B company. While WGO has a higher percentage Net profit. THO makes more net profit. Dollars pay the bills. Percentage measures the company's health. Both can be important to watch. But cash is king. Always was. Always will be.
Grocery stores make very low profit margins. But are highly profitable, because they sell such high volumes. So lots of dollars in profit.
You always hear media news stories of energy companies making such high profits. And they do. But those profits are published in those stories as DOLLARS. Never in terms of margin percentages. Why? Because if they spoke of margin percentages of 3 to 5 tenths of a percent, people would feel sorry for them, instead of getting upset at their HUGH profits. And as such, their PROFIT LEVELS would not be news worthy.
Lets not even get started on non-profit companies. And worse....Non-profit companies that bill medicare directly. No cost to you. Talk about a license to steal. How can they stay in business if there is no profit? You don't want to know.
Hey Buddy, I got no dog in the fight. Ranting over who makes more is a little off topic. And I could care less about Percent, dollars, whatever metric you want to use, its just information. The OP just was curious about net profits that RV manufactures make, and I gave him the best information I could find.