MarkTwain wrote:
Durb wrote:
My 30# tanks have aged out and my dealer won't refill them. Should I just have them re-certified or replaced? Any estimates on the cost of having them up graded (12 years old). If I elect to buy new ones, will I have trouble recycling the old tanks? Thanks
Recertification of old tanks is costly$$. I just go to Lowes, Home Depot or Wall mart and trade my tank in for one of theirs. Be sure and check the tanks certifection date. I try to get the newest tank available. With a fairly new tank, I just refill the tanks after that.
No, recertification is not expensive. I took my three 20# tanks to my local Southern States Farm Supply propane dealer and it cost me $10 for each tank. Basically, they do a close visual inspection, base check and valve check. They also replace any required stickers that may have become lost or unreadable. I asked and the tech said I can have that done as many times as necessary. No maximum number of times for recertification.