Bobbo wrote:
N7SJN wrote:
I'm certified to pump propane and I still don't like to fill the built in tanks on motor homes. Please, I'm not looking to start a word war, but the tanks on commercial vehicles, for the most part, are out in the open and in my opinion are safer to fill (easier too).
I don't know about other RV's, but my built-in propane tank, while behind a non-locking door, is still out in the open. If you bend over and look from underneath the MH, the tank is completely exposed to the atmosphere.
Plus if your model RV does have a base shelf below it you will notice that the sides on the inside of that propane bay are always open.
My guess is ALL are installed that way for a reason. Like maybe not to have propane in an enclosed little bomb waiting to explode if it leaked?! :W