The Kunkels wrote:
Hi to all. We are gonna stay the winter in the cg we are in now. We were gonna use electric heaters but found out today the cg owners say no to electric heaters. They watch the electric very close. They have grids and if too much electric is used they will charge ya. We may be the only ones here in the winter in the grid for the area. My question is is the small propane heaters safe for inside. Thanks as usual for yer answers. God Bless.
The part that I've bolded reads like a red flag to me of a landlord telegraphing that they have you over a barrel and will return each month with their hand out asking for more money... and they'll have a new excuse every time. Your post implies that the cg may have low occupancy for the winter. This incentivizes the cg to squeeze as much money out of each occupied site as possible.
If the cg refuses write a lease for the winter, you're at the cg's whim. Leave.
If you do have a lease (or are getting one), have it spell out everything that is included and not included:
power, water, sewer, cable TV, WiFi, guest fees, extra vehicle fees, pool/spa fees, additional park fees. If the minimum length of the lease is for more months than you plan to stay then negotiate the termination fees.
If the lease includes xxx kilowatt hours of power included per month with xx cents per kWh after that - if your pedestal has a utility meter on it then become a meter reader and write down your power usage. I've heard too many stories from RVers who caught the cg fudging the electric bill.