theoldwizard1 wrote:
I don't see a big benefit for the cost, unless you plan on boondocking for a week ! Most people camp in warm weather and if you are plugged in, there are always electric space heaters.
Not everyone RV's the way you RV. I go places, stay for periods, and get up close and personal with the scenery; propane is essential.
theoldwizard1 wrote:
Even if I did want to boondock for a night or two, I always carry an old Coleman stove so bacon and eggs in the AM is not a problem. Some disposable propane bottles and a Mr Heater Buddy Heater would be good to knock the chill out in the AM if I was concerned.
Sounds like you are not going without propane but just getting rid of the ASME tank. Propane is still propane; be it in a Tank or little Bottles.