Personal observations from my prostate cancer journey.
Concern depends on how agressive and how much cancer there is. Some prostate cancers grow very, very, very slowly.
Elevated psa can occur from reasons other than cancer like infection. Nodule could be benign but still affect psa. Depending on age, 4.8 is near threshold for even detecting cancer. Urologist may order second psa test that reports free vs total psa. A formula based on the ratio will give a probability of cancer. My urologist prescribed antibiotics followed with the second psa test before recommending biopsy. The first urologist I went to was recommending biopsy from the first psa 6.9. My psa went to 4.3 after antibiotics, but probability was 50% so biopsy. Of 12 samples, one had cancer and 2 were precancerous. In second biopsy, of 12 samples only 1 showed precancerous. The way a biopsy is done doesn't lend itself to exact targeting. Three years later, psa is 4.6.
Biopsy is only way to know if there is a malignancy. We are all tough guys, but consider bringing someone along to drive you home. If you are that tough, you can leave the driver home the next time.
On the bright side, once cancer is detected via biopsy and under urologists care, finger detection exams are no longer necessary.