I was took Ebrel for 3-4 years and it was great for my psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Unfortunately I found testicular cancer, luckily it was caught early. I came off of enbrel as a precaution. None of my doctors thought the enbrel was related, but thought it might be best to stop the enbrel to make sure my immune system was at its strongest.
I stayed off of any biologic for 10 years, and just felt with the psoriasis. It got pretty bad, and the arthritis was getting very painful. The doc said as long as I had been clear, and with 10 more years of data showing the cancer was probably not related I started on Humira about 2 years ago, and it did great. Skin clear and arthritis improved a bunch. In the last 3-4 months it has started being less effective the doc offered to change to another biologic, but I decided to stick with the Humira a little longer. I did get the flu twice, but my daughter and wife also had it so probably just a fluke
I’m lucky mine is not on my hands and feet so it is just unsightly, and leaves flakes every where.
I would definitely talk to the doc and give it a try.