jplante4 wrote:
To imply that moderators have an agenda in what posts get deleted and which threads get moderated more heavily than others is wrong and makes a thankless job even more so.
No question that being a mod here is a thankless job, and we all who use this forum appreciate the great job you guys do!
For the most part the moderators here are pleasant, courteous, and reasonable. Unfortunately, there have a been a few in past years (I see you just joined in 2014) like the 5'5" Captain, that have thrived on their control over the forum content and have used their power to abuse the membership accordingly. In some cases "subjective" editing from a mod would have been welcomed in lieu of their "no rhyme or reason" approach.
So while these comments may not apply to the current environment and certainly not you personally, be aware that there is some history here, things were not always sunshine and sparkles in the years before you joined.