karead7 wrote:
Dog Folks wrote:
karead7 wrote:
Anybody have any suggestions on the best way to enforce "quiet hours"?
I've even suggested to some late nighters that maybe I'll be doing some gas powered weed whacking around their site at 7:00am when quiet hours are over so maybe they want to get some sleep!
I read your blog. You let them stay, so in fact you did not "enforce" the rules. I understand your compassion for the family.
He knew it was a empty threat. What did the man learn? He can do whatever he wants!
Of course you are correct. However, that site was awfully quiet for the rest of the week. He seemed to have known what the consequences of another warning would have been.
Good job. I didn't notice that you gave a notice of what would happen a second time. So, in fact, you did accomplish the goal.
As campground hosts we use proactive methods. We introduce ourselves to every camper and during that time we mention rules regarding dogs if there are any on site. We also mention that quiet time is at 11:00 p.m. and is enforced. We tell them that can stay up all night if they want but must be quiet. They are not kids and I won't tell them to go to bed. I feel that is too confrontational.
We tell them if any other campers are too loud please notify us. This gets the point across, nicely. Of course, not every camper is going to listen, and often alcohol is part of it. (2%) If they continue, after two warnings, it is time for local law enforcement.
This works for us.