I feel your pain! We have same dilemma here. I want to go out west and see our beautiful country. Hubby wants to fly out and rent a car to sight see. Our (his) son lives in San Diego. I am so claustrophobic that I don't want to fly. There is a 11 year difference in our age so that might be part of it but DH worries about EVERYTHING. I just turned 62 in May and I am so ready to go. I say that is why we have insurance for everything. Do I want to pressure him to go and he be miserable, no. I jokingly tell him guess I will go with next husband. Lol...So for now we go from Fl to the south east US. I did get him to go to Maine and Niagra Falls once. I guess you might need to try shorter trips. As kerrlakeRoo said if your heart isn't in it, neither will be happy. Totally agree on that statement, so it is what it is. Good luck!