Some folks are for want of a better expression that we coin the phrase "joined at the hip", and can't bear the thought of spending just one night apart, they finish each others sentences and so on. Whilst proud of that fact at the time, many struggle to find a reason to get up each day, after one spouse passes who was the centre of their universe and existence in some respects.
Hubby and I (together since 18 and very close still) have been blessed in that we've been able for several years to work 24/7/365 together, whilst at other times to "make things work financially" we can spend several days/weeks and even a couple plus months apart = me travelling through Europe for shows for 14+ years and the past 9 years his taking 3 x 5 to 9 week fishing trips without me. An about twist is we've spent several months together at times in the RV also.
Every couple are different in what they can and can't handle based on individual personalities, so absolutely no one can advise you the best course of action to take. I for one would never ever begrudge my hubby carrying on doing something he/we loved together because of my change of heart about it - in fact I'd feel absolutely besides myself if he stopped living "his" dreams/life because I was holding him back. In reality my personality would make be feel very selfish, clingy and worse still "guilty", which is so far removed from my nature.
Maybe do a couple of trips solo and see how it goes? I remember the first times we struggled being apart, then over time I would just get into the swing of being alone and he'd be back too quick LOL. It truly has been great for us to spend time apart now and again, but like all new things, might take some initial adjustment to get used to.