Grey Mountain wrote:
You can't rant on me. I'm Indian. I'll tell.
If you are Indian, I can rant on you. Now if you are Native American, you are federally protected from rants. However, if you are Indian, but claiming to be Native American, you are guilty of fraud. And therefore, you should be ranted on, as proclaimed by the federal statute entitled...Allowable ranting on non-Native Americans.
Now if you are a member of that Washington DC foot ball team, then you are protected from rants, due to the inflammatory nature of slang terms. And as such (sub-section1.101.12) whereby it is stated, that one already persecuted by use of degrading slang terms is protected against any further extension or add-on negative claims towards ones self. Basically it means, enough is enough. You have already been subjected to your share of rants and humiliation. No piling on is allowed under any circumstances.
And if this is your claim, you are in violation of the forum rules stating 'No political discussions allowed.' So as such, since you cannot make these claims on this forum, anyone on this forum can rant on you at any time. Basically you are free game. And there is nothing you can do about it.
And if you think that is just wrong, this is the way of the white man. Sorry about that...just the way it is. As it was since we took over your country, a few years ago.
Chin up though...things are getting better for your people. You can buy firewater now. Due to the fact that you own the casinos. And that in order to get the higher taxes from them, white people had to allow you to sell firewater, so you could attract the white gambler. Thus your buying and selling firewater was to increase your tax liability, and obligation, to further support us whites. And so really, everybody wins. And there are no more wars amongst us.
See how it all works out?
Can't beat the way you grow corn, though. We have never really figured that one out yet.
I do hope you can take the above in the satirical sense the it was intended. I really mean no offense. Only humor. If I have offended you, or others, I sincerely apologize for that. Seriously.