Small motorhomes in that budget are likely going to be gas and about 10 years old. Nothing wrong with either but just it helps to narrow your search a bit. Brands have been bought and sold so it's a little challenging determining a good brand over another because you have to think about that hierarchy 10 years ago. Still, condition trumps brand. You can have the best brand that wasn't taken care of or a cheaper brand that was meticulously cared for. Start thinking about how you want to camp, what you do and need on a daily basis. Floorplan is probably the most critical piece aside from condition. Just start looking around at things in your budget, educate yourself, drive some things etc. And remember, very few people buy their last RV first. You don't know what you don't know. In the past 10 years we have had 2 Clas A's, a FW, and now on a Diesel Class C. And in each one we thought it was the one we would keep forever. Next weekend we are going to look at smaller Class A's again. 🙂 . Good luck. RVing is fun and sometimes the search for your RV is just as much fun. Enjoy the journey.