Never underestimate the ingenuity of a RV'r stuck along the road (or in the turn lane.) We were driving up the Coquihalla Highway (British Columbia) on the long steep section with our Class C and the engine started to loose power and speed. I was praying that we would get to one of the infrequent pull offs before it died. I limped into a pull off and it died as soon as we were totally off the road. I popped the hood and stood there looking at the engine expecting something to magically show me what the problem was.
I started to wiggle wires in the hopes that something would start working. My wife yelled out that the heater wire started running. I jambed a thin piece of wood along the side of the offending connector, ran a jumper to activate my battery isolator and used the coach battery to jump start the RV.
The battery would now charge off of the alternator and we finished our trip back to Wisconsin.
That is called farmer engineering here in Wisconsin. I am also a farmer welder (meaning that my work may not be pretty but it will hold up to abuse.)