trailerbikecamper wrote:
Rgar is most likely right. I don't know about NEC but CEC here in Canda, states that a max of 12 devices (lights, outlets etc) are allowed in a circuit unless specific loads are known, allowing for more outlets.
Not sure how CEC applies to RV's though. But I'm also thinking that from the description it sounds like multiple conductors are connected to a single breaker. This is also not allowed under CEC.
That rule of 12 is also a maximum and the book I have (the Canadian Simplified Electrical Code) actually recommends less if it's a circuit with all outlets. When I did my basement at home I think I put a max of 8 outlets per breaker. Where I went right to 12 was lighting.
I think all that is moot, however, as these manufacturers are all in the USA, and from what I gather follow a "relaxed" version of the NEC because the structure is considered temporary.