I'm the only one in my family that ever camped or wanted to be outside. My parents grew up poor, my father dirt poor. They felt they had arrived in the early 70's when they could aford the American dream of a home and 2 cars with 3 kids, so they were not interested in camping etc. My dad was a good man and knew I was very creative, he would bring me things home from Eglin Air force base. One of the best things he would bring was the old silk parachutes. This was my first tent made from left over pvc pipe from the sprinkler system and my silk parachute folded and tied in the corners to make an a frame tent. Slept meany nights outside in that tent, my parents thought I was nuts. Fast forward, my oldest soon was ill as a child and we had lots of bills so i worked 2 jobs, he was a video gammer kid and the camping idea did not interest the wife. Fast forward again, the older son is in high school playing football and band and working, my younger son by 7 years loved camping and we would camp in a little 2 man tent, this got the wife interested and we bought a cabin type tent, then after a few years we bought a used pop up with A/C and after about 5 years/just this year we bought a like new 2013 Ameri-lite 16bhc, air and toliet.