Grit dog wrote:
time2roll wrote:
Because people start a new thread and ask the same question. Get the same answers. Anyone know the definition of insanity of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results?
If they would look even a little, read an existing thread, add some intelligent thoughts on what they need we could easily have a tire thread that goes longer and deeper than the gas vs diesel.
Trouble is getting the new members to do that.
Besides there are people who can't check their own oil, drove a Honda Civic thier whole life going out and buying duallies and 5vers with zero knowledge or prior experience on how to operate, outfit or maintain anything larger than a......civic. Brings out a lot of tire threads!
I'm not out to exclude those that aren't mechanically inclined from these activities, it is just a lot to process if a person is getting up in years and tries something foreign to them.
Old dog, new tricks comes to mind.
I respectfully disagree. Too often old threads are just that OLD information. Our technology in almost everything moves very quickly even in tires. Reading a bunch of dated information will not serve you well.
By asking questions we at least have the chance of turning up a new opinion, some unspoken advice and new information.
In addition the search engine of this site which I have used extensively despite my "newness" here is abominably bad.
We need new information, opinions and experiences from new members as well as those old keyboard warriors.