cruz-in wrote:
I beleive you will find you are exceeding the weight carrying capacity of your f150.. Once you consider to, hitch weight, passengers and gear.... Amazing how quickly it adds up...
I wondered this as well. His 800 lbs might easily go north of 1000. Mine was listed at 903 and loaded is actually 1050-1200. WD number on OEM hitch was 930, even though Ford uses the same hitch on all 150's. Properly equipt, the truck/hitch combo can handle like 1100 is memory serves. Load carrying (without WD bars engaged) is probably 500. You need to take a serious look at what your actual tongue weight is. Do not guess on this number. My OEM hitch began to fail at 1100 lbs and have replaced it with a Drawtite unit which is rock solid. Not a fan of how Ford mounted the OEM hitch on the back of the frame rails of the 150.