Campin LI wrote:
Frozen001 wrote:
I understand you logic on the lighter spring bars. Makes since. My only comment on that is how much "extra" weight can a spring bar take before it looses effectiveness.
That's the hard part. Since you don't know what the tongue will weigh once you load it up, it's tough to estimate for sure. You have the 1200 lb bars and I am sure they are fine to use all the way down to 800 lbs, so they will work but may give you a stiffer ride if you are closer to 800 lbs than 1200 lbs. It also depends on the truck. I'm making an assumption it has a stiff suspension but it may not.
Weird the dealer made the 4" comment. It's excessive for a trucks rear drop. On edit, it's actually flat out wrong because he's compensating for rear rise which won't happen.
I think he had the crazy logic that with the bottom mount coupler you hade to lower everything by 4". That comment came when they were looking at the 1000lbs round bars and why the tension was so tight. The owner wanted to tilt the head and lower the ball height. Anyway... I think we have it dialed in now and just need to verify it on totally level ground over the weekend. If we do it I will take measurements and some photos and post them in the other thread.