mike-s wrote:
JaxDad wrote:
mike-s wrote:
JaxDad wrote:
Michigan Vehicle Code 257.698 (4)
That law doesn't prohibit, it requires rear reflectors to be red.
Conspicuity tape isn't a "reflector," it's a "reflectorized material." They're different, distinction is made at 257.688(2). Michigan license plates are made of white reflectorized material.
You must have a very different edition of the Michigan Code than I do. 257.688 (2) refers ONLY to a Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) device on an “implement of husbandry” such as a farm tractor.
I get it. As a Canuck, you don't understand US law. There's a difference between reflectors, which are required equipment, and "reflectorized material", which isn't. That the law recognizes a difference is made clear in the same section you cited. Someday you might understand, if you work hard.
You still have 49 states to go, since you're unable to cite any Federal law/regulation.
Hmmmmmm. I point out that you are trying to argue about reflectors on passenger vehicles and you raise SMV placards. But it’s me that doesn’t understand US law.
Federal law doesn’t touch it because other the CFR and FMVSS lay out minimum federal safety and equipment standards. No different than a State establishing other vehicle and driver regulations such as window tinting, vehicle lengths and weights, etc., etc.