I try to avoid using Reserve America, but may places have fallen under their coverage.
As for cancellation fees, these need a rework. I think there should be a reasonable fee for up to 3 days before the reservation. After 3 days, the fee should be 1 full night. If you do not show and do not call to cancel, the fee needs to be double the one night fee.
These no shows often book many months out and for a $10.00 fee, it is not worth the effort to cancel. If the fee is double the normal one night fee, they night rethink and decide it is worth cancelling.
The people that do not cancel,hold up a site that we heave often seen other campers turned away as the park is full, by reservation. The camper is turned away to try and find a site.
Since they have no consideration for others, they should have to pay.
Yes there are some occasions that someone has a real emergency or a break down and cannot get there, but they can still call and cancel.