westernrvparkowner wrote:
it won't hurt to try again, because it is possible we couldn't understand your message, unfortunately it happens.
I absolutely understand your list of 'requirements' needed to get a return call after leaving your message.
I wish that a business when returning the calls to customers were smart enough to also make sure all those requirements are met :)
example is the business is closed YET the retailer returns your call after hours on HIS cell personal phone, leaves message to call him and HE GARBLES his cell phone number. No use calling biz, they are closed, and the retailer wants to chat with you about a purchase and screws up his message to you. (just happened with a new carpet install I am having completed by small local company)
This is a fast paced world. Don't you know it is tough to slow down a message on a recorder to someone? :) :) :)
I hate answering machines but they are sure useful cause I also hate answering the phone mostly :)