Forum Discussion

down_home's avatar
Explorer II
Feb 16, 2020

Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Seems everyone is well.

Well I just found out last week I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.
They found unusual cells in my bones, from an MRI.
I see a Rheumatologist next month.
I have been degrading rapidly, pinched nerve in back ans so on.
What kind of medications, and treatments are available and is it possible to reverse it or cure it?
  • down home wrote:
    Seems everyone is well.

    Well I just found out last week I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.
    They found unusual cells in my bones, from an MRI.
    I see a Rheumatologist next month.
    I have been degrading rapidly, pinched nerve in back ans so on.
    What kind of medications, and treatments are available and is it possible to reverse it or cure it?

    Lots and lots of medications new and old.

    Best to stick with old tried and true medicines at first since they are proven safe for liver and kidneys. Some rheumatologists are dumb as a stick like all MDs. If you need to find an aggressive one.

    R/H HURTS! I HAD IT FOR 30 YEARS. It is now decomposing my spine.

    Follow your MDs instructions to the letter. Blood tests are vital clues.

    Don't listen to gossip or fall for wacky herbs or vitamins. They are a hoax.

    Soak hands in warm water. Wear mittens while sleeping if you wake up with cold hands.

    I use topical ointment pure DMSO. Sports doctors use it on million dollar pro athletes so they can return to the game
    Not a miracle but works for a few hours on me. Utterly safe. External use only
  • I have an appointment ext week with a Rhumatologist.
    I saw mention that it causes fatigue. That explains a lot. Pinched never in spine, and deteriorated gone discs. For a long time treated for Osteoarthritis.
    From what I read not a real pleasant future especially with other damages from Agent Orange, eyes,vertigo and neuropathy diagnosed now changed to caused by RA both by Agent Orange.I really want to do some fishing but out of thee question unless we mange to buy a boat and other things. I loved wading for trout. I sure hope there is a cure forr others and me.
  • My husband has RA. Unfortunatly, he developed side effects from every medicine that the doctor has tried. Right now he is not taking anything but after the first of the year, has started working out three days a week at the local YMCA and is feeling better than he has in years. The goal is to improve muscle strength to take the load off the joints.

    MODERATOR'S EDIT: Sorry to close a good thread, but CBD spammers were taking over. Feel free to open a new thread if there is a legitimate need.