Some RVers believe in treatment chemicals and some don't and some defend their choice obstreperously (saw a news media reporter use that word recently) but have no facts to base their reasoning on.
Thing is, there are no scientific studies for the various RV treatment chemicals (enzyme or not) on the market to prove effectiveness that I've been able to find. If anyone knows of one, I'd like to see a link. This
online Rid-X listing from Walmart says it is "Scientifically proven to break down waste to help prevent septic back-up problems". Where is this scientific study? The Rid-X website does not mention a scientific study.
Does the product tell you exactly what enzyme is in it or how much? Does anyone read the label to see what other contents are in it? Does anyone know how long it takes for an enzyme treatment to work or if temp. makes a difference? What is the shelf life and does it degrade sitting on the shelf? Does anyone check the date code on the container before purchasing it?
What I know is that enzyme based treatments will never be in an RV holding tank long enough to help. They may even be detrimental. Water is a lot cheaper.
What I'd like to see at an RV show is someone displaying some glass jars with some no. 1 &2 in them and some various treatment chemicals to demonstrate how well they work. :R They do it with RV TP after all...