Forum Discussion

hotpepperkid's avatar
Jul 27, 2017

Road signs in UT

First I noticed that the speed limit is 80 on most of I-15. I saw other signs like slower traffic use flashers when going up hills that had 3 lanes. So what does slower traffic mean? Slower than what? They also restrict the left lane to no vehicles over x number of lbs or x number of axles
  • Utah roads are very well maintained, drivers are courteous...its those CA drives that bug me.
  • I think it means slower than the current traffic speed. Which means trucks, motor homes, and old geezers like me.

    Just came back from SLC on I-15 and I-84....both have 80 mph limits of which I tried (in my toad...not mh) to stay right at 80. At least 75% of the traffic was going faster than me, the other 25% were trucks that are limited to 70 mph.

    No matter what the speed limit is, most will always driver faster....make it 120mph and you'll find most will be doing 130.

  • The traffic must have been pretty light while you were on I15

    Those signs all seem to apply to grades. If you're going 20-30 under the speed limit up a steep grade, or down one, the left lane is off limits.